Sunday, September 14, 2008

To Ch1M3Ra...


You should be careful what you wish for little boy.

You think I cowered beneath your challenge to meet, but think again. I was there last night, hiding in the shadows, watching you...

So confident. So arrogant. Barely a day past your 21st birthday--merely a child. & a damn fool...

The pretty blonde at the bar--drinking the vodka & cranberry juice--the one you ogled all night--was a fucking trickster demon! Did you not question why one of her beauty would even be in a dive like O'Leary's Tavern--let alone why she kept flirting with you?

How about the two werewolf bounty hunters --backs against the wall--seated by the door --sucking down Old Style? Did you fail to notice them too?!

You're so eager to throw in with the monsters--to dance with danger--you have no idea what you're getting yourself into. Now you're on their radar, as they wait for me to surface.

The fact that you, & the other humans, are dreaming about the Ciudad de Monstruos...there must be at least one other like me afoot. Another I am not sending you these visions. Beware--as I know not his intentions...

Either that, or there is more to you than I see. Although you reek of innocence...

My advice to you is to forget about me. Forget me, the creatures of the night, the Ciudad de Monstruos...all of it. Put it out of your head. I assure you, you'll live longer.

You call yourself "Chimera"--monster made of other monsters. A shapeshifter with another face. You're young, & naive, & I don't want your blood on my hands.

Go home, little boy. I suggest you learn the art of meditation--clear your mind & banish these nightmares. Heed their warning. Do not follow them...

You were correct in one of your presumptions--I am looking for something...However, it is not to be a babysitter. I've a price on my head, & I cannot be responsible for your safety.

I sense that you mean no harm, so I'll leave you with this: Put some rosemary under your pillow--to keep the evil spirits & bad dreams at bay....

Sleep well--& don't look for me...

~Torrent Black

1 comment:

Shawn C. Baker said...

I just read the next three in rapid succession and they are awesome!!! Keep going Missi, this is turning out unbelievable.