Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Secret Truth About Monsters

Have you ever wondered about the secrets the world keeps?

You go about your day to day life, wrapped tightly in your own little cocoon of drama...your little world seems so big.

You have no idea just how big the universe really is.

What if I told you that the secrets were true? That there is magic all around you, legends are more than just tales of whimsy, & there are things that go bump in the night?

What if I told you that monsters exist?

I’m here to tell you the truth–the one they don’t want you to know about.

It’s past time that you knew some of the realities of this world you call your own–even if you won’t believe me. As they say " the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled, was convincing the world that he didn’t exist. & just like that--poof-- & he was gone..."

I can take solace in knowing that I tried.

There are many worlds beside your own. Some have fixed locations & entries, some are found only in dreams; sometimes, if you squint your eyes tightly, & fix them on a distant point on the horizon, you can almost see them. One such place is the Ciudad de Monstruos...the City of Monsters....

Don't bother trying to look for it--you'll never find it on your own. Those of you who are more intuitive than most may have dreamt about this vast city, painted or written about it... You think you're being imaginative, but in reality, you're just more open minded than most. You're tapping into the magic of the place, though you don't realize it.

Monsters are all around you. They possess gifts & abilities that you cannot even begin to fathom. Some you would consider ugly; some are beautiful beyond your wildest dreams.

The less conspicuous ones move amongst you without your knowledge every day. You interact with them, you pass them by without a thought...you are none the wiser....

Have you ever seen someone that seems profoundly familiar to you, but you just cannot put your finger on where it is you know them from? You stare at them for a few moments, captivated by their gaze, racking your brain for a memory that will not come?...

Those people are monsters. & as soon as they are free from your gaze, you don’t think about them anymore. You forget them. That is how it’s always been.

Until now.

The old ways are dying & someone needs to fight back. I’m trying to warn you, to give your kind a fighting chance.

You may take comfort in my words; a sense of relief may wash over you when you finally realize that you are not crazy. You are not living in a fantasy world; what is perceived as reality is not all there is. You may find this admonition frightening. Most likely, however, is that those of you that stumble across these words, will think them only a story. Little do you know, that just for this, my kind will hunt me.

As that is already my fate, I figured I’d take my chances. Get it off my chest. You deserve to know.

So this is my first confession: monsters are real, & I am one of them. I'm going to tell you my secrets...

You can call me Torrent...Torrent Black.

1 comment:

Shawn C. Baker said...

Holy Moly Missi - this is Fucking Fantastic!!!

I'm already hooked. More! More! More!