Thursday, October 16, 2008

Entre Aqui...

Dear Torrent:

So you think of me? No worries--I'm coming to you. I hope. Help me come to you.

I found a way in. You told me it was impossible...but either you lied to me, or things have changed alot since you last set foot in the Ciudad. I hope you aren't telling me lies--please don't lie to me.

Do the words "Entre aqui, y te no estas perdido..." mean anything to you?

I dreamed them. Over & over, the Bandaged Man whispers them to me in my ears.

The other day, I was walking...past this huge old Elm tree, & I saw the world shiver. Just a twitch, like reality was taking a deep breathe. & I heard those words whispering in my mind.

"Entre aqui, y te no estas perdido."

I mumbled them under my breathe, & pressed my hands against the tree, just to steady myself...& it was like I fell through. To somewhere else.

I was standing in a city of burning grey ash. Something was watching me. A creature that looked feline in nature, with orchid fur & deep purple quills was staring at me. Her eyes were golden, & she had an old soul. My Grandmother used to say that about people--they "have old souls". But this creature did, have an old soul. She looked like she knew things. & She dared me to follow her.

But as I started to move my feet, the world twitched again, & I was back where I started. But it happened--I know that it did. I slipped through the crack.

I shouldn't be able to do that--should I Torrent?

You've been moving--I've lost track of you. But you mentioned once that you can speak to people in their dreams? That's why they fear you?

You don't want to post a location--to announce our presence to those that hunt you. Hunt us now, I suppose. I'm sorry about that--I'm a fucking moron.

Send me a dream--show me where to go. I feel like a fucking open receiver anyways. Send me something that feels like hope...

Otherwise, I fear my time grows short.


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